Guide Blackwing Descent

Guide Blackwing Descent


  Blackwing Descent is a new raid in WoW Cataclysm inspired Blackwing Lair.Nefarian is back in this instance. That is, we have new loot, new creatures and new art inthis version Cataclysm raid.With versions for 10 and 25 players, the raid is part of the complex of Blackrock Spire, occupied by Black dragonflight and probably by the Twilight's Hammer, which recentlychanged sides, as was previously allied with the Dark Iron dwarves who lived in Blackrock Depths and fought for control of the mountain, against Nefarian and hisminions. However, the alliance between Deathwing Ragnaros Mount Hyjal and suggeststhat the forces of Blackrock Mountain are struggling as a single army.

  There are 6 bosses in the instance:
 (click on names to read the strategy)


  > Magmaw

  > Imnitron Defense System

  > Maloriak

  > Atramedes

  > Chimaeron

  > Nefarian 


Map of Instance